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۱۳۹۳ فروردین ۱۶, شنبه

Joint Struggle and Workers’ International Solidarity

Interview with Comrade George Pontikos, Head of the International Department of the Greek All-Workers Militant Front (PAME)

  1. What is the All-Workers Militant Front’s plan for the coming years?

Under the All-Workers Militant Front’s (PAME) vision, our struggle aims to come out of this crisis in such a way that it can advance the peoples’ rights and the workers’ rights in combating the capitalist policies. Our objective is two-fold: 1. PAME’s first objective is the reconstruction of the trade union movement in class and militant direction. 2. Our second objective is to develop social alliances with the workers, self-employers, poor farmers, women, youth, immigrants and unemployed workers to create popular committees in every neighborhoods, for combating austerity programs.

  1. Please describe a brief history of the All-Workers Militant Front.

The All-Workers Militant Front (PAME) was founded in 1999; and in 2000 became a member of the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU). During this period of 15 years, we have organized many actions, mobilizations, strikes; and through all these years, the basic principle of PAME has been the international proletariat solidarity. For example, solidarity with the Palestinian people, Cuban revolution, etc……; we also participate in the movement against monopolies and imperialism.

  1. What are the All-Workers Militant Front and its position within the Greek labor-union movement?

PAME represents 30 percent of the organized Greek labor union movement in the public and private sectors. Affiliated with PAME are federations, labor centers and workers’ syndicates.

  1. European Union’s economic austerity programs and Greek labor-unions’ struggle, especially the All-Workers Militant Front’s struggle with these programs have had extensive coverage in the world. Please describe this struggle, its forms and contents.

In the last four years and while the European Union has been imposing the austerity programs on Greece, PAME has organized 40 general strikes and hundreds of local and sectoral protests. PAME receives attacks from the government, the media and the governmental and employers’ trade-unions.

  1. What are your experiences from these struggles?

PAME stands in the first line of every struggle. The struggles of the working class of Greece have not stopped; and building on the experiences of the recent years, they have gone into a new phase. We continue the struggle against the economic austerity programs.

  1. What kind of role the labor-unions’ cooperation and unified-action, and in general the labor-union movement’s struggle has played against the economic austerity programs?

In the history of the labor movement, we find two lines: submission or struggle. In Greece the governmental and employers’ trade unions support the class-collaboration; PAME is against this line and supports the class-oriented trade union movement. We believe that within the ranks of the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU), we can reverse the situation in Europe; and the class labor movement has a main role in creation of a society without exploitation of man by man.
  1. International workers solidarity is very essential in labor-unions’ struggles. Like you, the Iranian independent labor syndicates are involved in a vital struggle against the programs dictated by the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. Do you have a message to your worker brothers and sisters in Iran?    

Our struggle is common; we stand by your side for a world without exploitation of man by man. Long live international workers solidarity.